State Supreme Court rules that signature verification does not violate the state constitution, but does not rule that it is an effective means to prevent or reduce fraud.
Category: What We Learned
Information we gathered throughout our investigation. Key concerns, data anomalies, and other Washington election insufficiencies.

Logically AI Contract Extension to “Monitor” Social MediaLogically AI Contract Extension to “Monitor” Social Media
Washington Secretary of State extends social media monitoring contract despite being instructed to go through proper procurement procedures. UK based company continues reporting on election "misinformation" and reporting it

Pilot Programs Raise Concerns for Election Security in Washington StatePilot Programs Raise Concerns for Election Security in Washington State
The Washington Secretary of State is using pilot programs to undermine election security and further cause distrust.

OmniBallot On Demand Ballot PrintingOmniBallot On Demand Ballot Printing
King County allows anyone to create official ballots for anyone, at any address, without verifying eligibility or identity.

Concerns and Anomalies in King County Election ProcessConcerns and Anomalies in King County Election Process
This article will focus on the Commissioner of Public Lands race. We are awaiting records on other races but had requested records on this race first due to the recount.

Critical Flaw in Washington Election System in Conflict With State Law?Critical Flaw in Washington Election System in Conflict With State Law?
Sequel to How Election Laws Are Being Broken… It appears the logic that’s being used in the State’s VoteWA system programming is flawed. When comparing the results with the evidence

Interfering With Citizen Oversight of Elections Through Delayed RecordsInterfering With Citizen Oversight of Elections Through Delayed Records
Government Oversight Public records requests are one way that citizens can oversee their government’s activities. There are some circumstances that allow for records to be withheld from disclosure, but outside

Undeliverable BallotsUndeliverable Ballots
Undeliverable Ballots from the 2023 General Election Washington’s vote by mail process includes the counties sending a ballot to every active registered voter on the list. This makes an accurate

Possible Washington State Election Law ViolationsPossible Washington State Election Law Violations
State statute RCW 29A.08.620 requires counties to request change of address (COA) information from the postal service for all mail ballots. Currently the method generally used by auditors to accomplish this

Washington Outsources Censorship for Election “Threats”Washington Outsources Censorship for Election “Threats”
Washington State’s New Censorship Plan We have previously reported on the attempt of Washington State “elected” officials’ efforts to silence and censor the public. However we have not yet shared

Hand Counting Challenges for Washington StateHand Counting Challenges for Washington State
Earlier this week there was a hand counting demonstration presented in Mason County. The presentation was wonderful. However, it is clear that in order to make it work in any

What’s Wrong with Voter Rolls?What’s Wrong with Voter Rolls?
Established by federal law in the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA), current voter rolls are state centralized databases of voter records used to carry out an election. This

Logic and Accuracy Not Actually TestedLogic and Accuracy Not Actually Tested
Washington State law requires a test of the election equipment is done prior to each election. It allows for public oversight/observation. The purpose of this test is to demonstrate the

Cheaters Change Tactics in 2022 PrimaryCheaters Change Tactics in 2022 Primary
After the 2022 primary election in Washington State, analysis shows that what we believe to be the method of the steal was carried out differently in some counties than it

Albert Sensors & Election Surveilance by CISAlbert Sensors & Election Surveilance by CIS
Albert Sensors Don’t Monitor Elections The Albert Network Monitoring Sensor is provided at no charge to WA Counties by the SOS and managed by The Center for Internet Security/CIS. CIS

Records Show Votes Pre-Loaded During Early CountingRecords Show Votes Pre-Loaded During Early Counting
The System In 2020 there were 17 counties in the state of Washington that used Clear Ballot election equipment for during the general election. It is the most widely used

Most Secure Election In HistoryMost Secure Election In History
Election Fraud is NOT a New Concern For years there have been people sounding the alarm on election security, unless it’s in their favor. Funny how that works. We came

VoteWA & BProVoteWA & BPro
Election Management in Washington State In 2018 the Washington Secretary of State created a bid for a statewide election management system, which was awarded to Team BPro. Team BPro worked

Mailbox and Campsite VotersMailbox and Campsite Voters
The Washington voter registration data (VRDB) contains every registered voter at any point in time. It is ever changing, as teenagers reach voting age, when a voter moves, or when

K&H Printers-Lithographers Inc (Ballot Printers)K&H Printers-Lithographers Inc (Ballot Printers)
K&H Printers-Lithographers Inc. prints ballots for 17 of Washington’s 39 counties, including King, Snohomish, and Pierce, the three largest counties. The business is owned by a man named Jay Ackley

Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC)Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC)
Meet ERIC The Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) was the brainchild of leftist attorney David Becker and was originally funded by George Soros via the Soros Open Society and Pew