The Mission
We are a volunteer only team of citizen researchers offering our discoveries to you to spread the word and educate others about the election process. We believe that an informed public is necessary for making what we view as much needed changes to the way our elections are administered.
Over the past couple years we have studied the election process within Washington state. We have shared much of our findings with you on this website. Be sure to browse the NEWS section to go back and see some highlights. Everything presented herein is a result of intensive research and investigative studies.
From this we have concluded that our the present election system is far too complicated. To sufficiently comprehend it requires voters to spend far too much time looking into it than most of them have available. That in itself is a very powerful argument against having such a complicated process in the first place.
It needs to be simplified so that the average voter can understand what’s going on without spending hours to do so, e.g., having same day voting, signing in at the precinct level, using paper ballots and hand counting. That alone would for the most part eliminate the complication as well as opportunities for fraud to occur.
With that being said, we try to do as much research as possible to make sure what we’re saying is accurate. But due to the complicated nature of the system we cannot guarantee that what we present is always 100% accurate. If you come across any error, please let us know and we will fix it.
The Truth About Washington’s Elections
Elections in Washington state are undeniably vulnerable and susceptible to fraud. The entire process is flawed and cannot ensure a free and fair, or even accurate election. Our research has shown there are major issues with voter registration, mail-in ballot delivery, vote counting systems, election management and records preservation.
For the latest updates and research findings, visit the NEWS page.
Who counts the votes in Washington state?
The county auditor is the “ex-officio supervisor” for the elections within their county. Each county auditor then reports to the Secretary of State (SOS) who is responsible for the election results and voter registration management at the state level. There are many people who play a role in counting the votes. However, it is a machine which does the actual counting.
Election systems have multiple components, but tabulation is the act of recording and adding the votes to get the totals. It happens when the ballots are scanned, and their images recorded by the optical scanner. Ballots which are unreadable by the scanner according to the software’s settings are sent to adjudication. The systems have an adjudication feature built into the scanner’s software, which allows an algorithm within the machine’s software to decide who the voter intended to vote for.
If the machine doesn’t automatically adjudicate the ballot, election staff use the “resolver tool” to review an image of the ballot, and then records the voter’s “intent.” There is a fine line between processing the ballots and the tabulation of the results. In many cases there is nothing else required after the ballots are scanned, other than to instruct the machine to display the vote totals in a “format which can be read by humans”.
In Washington state, the tabulators were purchased from 4 different vendors. Clear Ballot equipment is used in 18 of the 39 counties, including Pierce, Snohomish, and King, the three with the largest populations. Hart Intercivic machines are used in 15 counties, ES&S is used in 5, and one county uses Dominion machines. Check out some of the concerns we have with the tabulation process and equipment.
Ballot Status and Voter Registration Updates
To check the status of your ballot, request a replacement ballot or to update your voter registration details, visit votewa.gov .

Pilot Programs Raise Concerns for Election Security in Washington State
The Washington Secretary of State is using pilot programs to undermine election security and further cause distrust. […]