In the 2015 White v Skagit legal decision ballots, ballot images, and any similar records were exempted from public records requests based on a perceived constitutional issue in regards to

Cast Vote Record (CVR)Cast Vote Record (CVR)
Cast Vote Record (CVR) A Cast Vote Record is a report created by the tabulation system. It is the record of each ballot selection. Every ballot is represented by one

Moment of TruthMoment of Truth
The moment between before and after is called truth. People from across the nation gathered to share news about election fraud found in each state. It was a trial of

Bringing Back Transparency to the Election ProcessBringing Back Transparency to the Election Process
The current election system has several drawbacks that restrict transparency to the point that it borders on violating the constitution. The most obvious solution is to go back to precinct

25 Counties in WA Notified of Potential Litigation25 Counties in WA Notified of Potential Litigation
Violation of the Law On July 21st, 2022, 25 of Washington’s 39 counties received a litigation hold notice signed by attorney Pete Serrano from the Silent Majority Foundation. The notice

Deleted Election RecordsDeleted Election Records
Many Washington state counties are not able to produce certain election records from the 2020 general election. It appears they have all undergone a “scheduled upgrade/update” which has PERMANENTLY DELETED

Running out the ClockRunning out the Clock
There is a 22-month records retention requirement for all records pertaining to federal elections, such as the 2020 presidential election, and the 2022 midterm election. This requirement has not been

Albert Sensors & Election Surveilance by CISAlbert Sensors & Election Surveilance by CIS
Albert Sensors Don’t Monitor Elections The Albert Network Monitoring Sensor is provided at no charge to WA Counties by the SOS and managed by The Center for Internet Security/CIS. CIS

Pierce CountyPierce County
At the time of the 2020 general election, Pierce County had 553,765 registered voters. Records show they issued 600,737 ballots, 46,972 more ballots than registered voters. Some of these were

Spokane CountySpokane County
In November 2020, Spokane County had 356,926 registered voters. For the general election, they issued 382,560 ballots. 4,558 ballots were issued through VoteWA, the online voter registration management system used

Mason CountyMason County
Mason County Washington had 44,161 registered voters at the time of the 2020 Presidential election. From 2016 to 2020, Trump had a 38% vote increase, and the Democrat vote had

Clallam CountyClallam County
Clallam County had the longest record of all bellwether counties for agreeing with the Presidential winner nationwide going back to 1920. In 100 years, Clallam only voted for the opposite

Records Show Votes Pre-Loaded During Early CountingRecords Show Votes Pre-Loaded During Early Counting
The System In 2020 there were 17 counties in the state of Washington that used Clear Ballot election equipment for during the general election. It is the most widely used

Most Secure Election In HistoryMost Secure Election In History
Election Fraud is NOT a New Concern For years there have been people sounding the alarm on election security, unless it’s in their favor. Funny how that works. We came

Governor Attempts to Silence All Election ConcernsGovernor Attempts to Silence All Election Concerns
Washington State Governor threatens Citizens First Amendment Rights Recently the Washington state governor announced he would support legislation which would criminalize politicians who “lie” about election fraud. Someone in their

VoteWA & BProVoteWA & BPro
Election Management in Washington State In 2018 the Washington Secretary of State created a bid for a statewide election management system, which was awarded to Team BPro. Team BPro worked

Drop Box InsecuritiesDrop Box Insecurities
Elections by mail substantially increases risks Many states offer mail in ballots for registered voters. Some require the voter to request a ballot be mailed to them, like an absentee

Illegal Access to Possibly Illegal Tabulation?Illegal Access to Possibly Illegal Tabulation?
Following are two issues concerning illegal access and possibly illegal tabulation that can be raised involving Clear Ballot, plus one way to uncover illegal/unauthorized access to tabulated results with the

Mailbox and Campsite VotersMailbox and Campsite Voters
The Washington voter registration data (VRDB) contains every registered voter at any point in time. It is ever changing, as teenagers reach voting age, when a voter moves, or when

K&H Printers-Lithographers Inc (Ballot Printers)K&H Printers-Lithographers Inc (Ballot Printers)
K&H Printers-Lithographers Inc. prints ballots for 17 of Washington’s 39 counties, including King, Snohomish, and Pierce, the three largest counties. The business is owned by a man named Jay Ackley

Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC)Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC)
Meet ERIC The Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) was the brainchild of leftist attorney David Becker and was originally funded by George Soros via the Soros Open Society and Pew

Inadequate Security MeasuresInadequate Security Measures
Most security measures in place are to prevent interference from the public. There is little in place to ensure the public that the elected officials cannot interfere with the process,