State Supreme Court rules that signature verification does not violate the state constitution, but does not rule that it is an effective means to prevent or reduce fraud.
Category: WA Election Laws
Find references to election related laws, where they originated, some history, and what they mean to us in elections moving forward. This focuses on key laws.

Washington’s Thirty Day Residency Requirement for Voters Was Quietly DemolishedWashington’s Thirty Day Residency Requirement for Voters Was Quietly Demolished

Interfering With Citizen Oversight of Elections Through Delayed RecordsInterfering With Citizen Oversight of Elections Through Delayed Records
Government Oversight Public records requests are one way that citizens can oversee their government’s activities. There are some circumstances that allow for records to be withheld from disclosure, but outside

Hand Counting Challenges for Washington StateHand Counting Challenges for Washington State
Earlier this week there was a hand counting demonstration presented in Mason County. The presentation was wonderful. However, it is clear that in order to make it work in any

HB 1816 Prohibits the Forwarding of BallotsHB 1816 Prohibits the Forwarding of Ballots
Background on Mailing Address Option Washington state election law allows voters to receive their ballots at a location other than their residence through the use of a mailing address included

HB 1592 – Ranked Choice Voting in Presidential PrimariesHB 1592 – Ranked Choice Voting in Presidential Primaries
Changing the Way We Vote A House Bill was introduced that could significantly change the way voters in Washington elect candidates in 2024, including the 2024 presidential race. HB 1592

HB 1220: Universal Civic Duty VotingHB 1220: Universal Civic Duty Voting
Required Participation in Elections? HB1220 requires residents to register to vote and to submit their ballot. There is a companion bill in the senate, SB 5209. Section 1 Section 1

HB 1333 – Domestic Violent Extremism CommissionHB 1333 – Domestic Violent Extremism Commission
House Bill 1333 At the request of the Washington Attorney General’s office, House Bill 1333 was just introduced. Originally sponsored by representatives Ramos and Berg. There are currently 22 sponsors

SB 5112 – Election Related Bills – 2023 Legislative SessionSB 5112 – Election Related Bills – 2023 Legislative Session
Forecast The new legislative session has just begun in Washington. Already there are election related bills which have been submitted to committee and none of them are going to protect

Ranked Choice Voting ScamRanked Choice Voting Scam
“Instant Runoff” Ranked choice voting, also know as “instant runoff”, eliminates the “one man, one vote” theory and voters vote for all candidates, in the order they prefer the candidates.

The Voter Secrecy Issue in Washington State – White v SkagitThe Voter Secrecy Issue in Washington State – White v Skagit
In the 2015 White v Skagit legal decision ballots, ballot images, and any similar records were exempted from public records requests based on a perceived constitutional issue in regards to

Governor Attempts to Silence All Election ConcernsGovernor Attempts to Silence All Election Concerns
Washington State Governor threatens Citizens First Amendment Rights Recently the Washington state governor announced he would support legislation which would criminalize politicians who “lie” about election fraud. Someone in their

Illegal Access to Possibly Illegal Tabulation?Illegal Access to Possibly Illegal Tabulation?
Following are two issues concerning illegal access and possibly illegal tabulation that can be raised involving Clear Ballot, plus one way to uncover illegal/unauthorized access to tabulated results with the

Inadequate Security MeasuresInadequate Security Measures
Most security measures in place are to prevent interference from the public. There is little in place to ensure the public that the elected officials cannot interfere with the process,